Hello, my darlings,
I hope you had a wonderful Easter!
Although it's not Monday anymore, I want to share some things I've found during my holidays.
Well, I've just read it.
Yes, I know, it's been a long time. The thing was that I've got this book just a few days before I had to leave to Germany and it was hell heavy, so I couldn't take it with me (it was heartbreaking!..).
And then I had to leave it at my parents, because it was too heavy as well to take it to my place, so one more month without it..
Anyway, now the Easter was just perfect with it!
Robbie Williams was my absolute idol when I was a teenager, but now still, as I was reading the book, I understood it why.
He was never the Britney-Spears-kind-of-popstar. He's very clever, sincere and he said many things in the book that fits me a lot.
This is one of my favorite quotes from the book:
I'm all different things every single day. All over the place. Morning amazing, afternoon indifferent, evening miserable. The next day: morning miserable, afternoon indifferent, the evening amazing. Underneath it all, I'm happiest I've been. Yeah, underneath it all, I'm happiest I've been. But I'm human, I go up and down, up and down...
Have a fantastic week!
P. S. Remember that
Robbie Williams is writing a blog??