happy birthday, Justina!

Twenty (of the many) reasons I love Justina:

1. She looks stylish even when she wears her father clothes. (Although.. look at the father in the photo, now that's a cool man, haha!)
2. She makes me laugh all day long. She sends me funny pictures, but more than that - she‘s also able to make a hilarious picture of herself with skew-eyes.
3. She wears cool hats and sunglasses in winter (and not only).
4. She makes the most delicious desserts on the planet.
5. She read almost all books by E. M. Remarque. And loves poetry.
6. She dances lindy hop! And she's the one who convinced me to take classes as well.
7. She's always up for a party and always up to make a preparty before the preparty, haha.
8. She listens to me talking endlessly about my life „dramas“ and never makes me feel weird.
9. She calls me "Akviliūx" which makes me feel like I‘m a gangsta (AND which makes me laugh as well).
10. She loves that moment in the evening when the lights on the windows come up. 
11. She says wise things, like that success comes before work only in the dictionary.
12. She saw „Despicable me“ 7 times! And she‘s very good at quoting it with the minions voice – especially PAPPLE (which also makes me laugh).
13. She rides her bike, decorated with flowers and invites me to grab a coffee in an outdoor café.
14. She is always sarcastic but sweet, independent but friendly.
15. She comes up with funny slang that we speak to each other since school, like „kompiuteriūx“ or „žabela“ (sorry, can‘t translate it, but you only need to know that it‘s a mix from „gangsta“ talking and Lithuanian dialect, hahaha.).
16. She can show you the narrowest street in Vilnius! And she loves Paris.
17. She organizes funny trips to her garden house by the river. And lends some parent‘s clothes if you are cold.
18. She loves her family and has a very cool little dog called Boogie (I like him and he likes me, haha.).
19. She listens to Feist and says that her lyrics very often reflects her emotions. 
20. She's my favorite partner in doing silly things. She makes every day more fun. I hope we grow old together.

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