seven seas.

 photo via Le Love
good morning ;),
what a sunny & crispy autumn morning by the window! I wonder what have you dreamed last night, my lovelies?
A few days ago, I had a very bright dream that I recalled so well in the morning. In the dream somehow I knew I was in Ryga (I love this city, so it was very nice to visit it once again :))!) and I was climbing very long staircase in a tower to see the panorama of the city. And then I recall standing on the tower, the wind was blowing through my hair and millions of city lights were confronting me. The view was so enormous and so beautiful, I felt like I was alone in front of the army of city lights and at that moment it felt like I'm here alone to fight them. But somehow I was really calm, it wasn't like I was courageous or aggressive, I was absolutely peaceful and then again I knew it, I will have to defeat something that is waiting for me outside, right before my eyes. And then I woke up. But the view of the city was so bright and the feeling standing there was so real that in the morning I felt really really strange.
I couldn't help but wonder - do you believe in your dreams? Do you read some kind of dreams' interpretations? Do they come true or do they warn you about something?
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, said that dreams are a form of fulfilling suppressed wishes. If a wish (likely to be sexual in origin) goes unsatisfied during the dreamer’s normal day, the mind reacts to this ‘internal stimuli’ by transforming it into a visual fantasy – allowing the dreamer to satisfy his or her desire. The result of which is a peaceful night’s sleep.
So in this case dreams don't reflect the future or the past of our lives - it is the present, our present thoughts and desires. So the meanings of the dreams are absolutely individual and only you can find the answer yourself.
It is probably also not a coincidence that the word dream in English can refer not only to the state of sleeping, but also to the desire :).
Sweet dreams, my chéris!


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